Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Superstar Divas Boobs

Toreros in THE COUNTRY WEEKLY Sorry! And the sensitivity to ALVARO MURE, torero sorry.

E t is clear that will not let me continue to make entries frivolous or nice themes. One intends to publish things nice and happy, but do not let him.

Low Sunday to the streets to buy the newspaper and when you look at the cover of the supplement, hoping to find something that is interesting, if not exciting, you meet a down cover with a handful of fighters. Toreros

posing as if they were artists (ARE NOT!), Or movie stars in a memorable cover of the American edition of Vanity Fair.

These are artists.

When about 80% of the English are against bullfighting, this deployment and enhancement of torturers and murderers of animals, it is regrettable and shameful. Why is not that you dislike Lady Gaga and you meet her on the cover of the supplement. Everyone has their tastes. This is something we are finding a majority of the English. To firmly oppose the mistreatment and killing of the bulls. Of course, we're talking the Prisa group, which earn money from subscribers to the digital channel's bulls. Make sure the beans. TVE has failed to relay this barbarism.

should spread the example.
I, something about a show I do not care, do not read. I'm not going to see him. But something about an issue that angers me, I have to read it. Since there is not going to bulls if you like. It is not there. As we are not there other things that seem appalling, because we know they occur. Although we do not see.

cruelty in his gesture.
Is not it obvious?

To make matters worse, these individuals who feel very artists and buy gold watches, farms and cars, killing innocent animals, loose pearls from his mouth how are you:

El Juli (3,000 bulls killed under his belt): "The matador meets all the conditions for being an idol, is an example of life" .

A idol? Who? "A murderer of animals an idol!? "In the XXI century!? "An example of life!? Who? To a psychopath who enjoys torturing and killing animals. Point. For anyone else! Torerero Arrogant!

An example of life is a true artist with real talent do not need shed blood to create. Painters, writers, or bobbin lace, I do not care. ART IS CREATION. NO DESTRUCTION. Or someone who is dedicated to doing good. To help the needy or to fight for a just cause. But a bullfighter, that is, a murderer without any kind of empathy for animals, NO. Or is it an example of life Hannibal Lecter ? Ah! If it is committed with the bulls is the people, is an abomination.

that attitude!

Carlos Abella, director of the Center for Community Affairs Bullfighting in Madrid, argues: "They are the ultimate romantic hero of English society."

Miguel Ángel Perera : "Heroes?" Above all, we are romantics. "

Romantic Hero "!? This is not to Bizet Carmen ! Nor is Valentino and Tyrone Power in Blood and Sand . This is real life. We can enjoy the blood in fiction, with the gore film. It's fiction. Again. Such as Little Red Riding Hood . Nobody wants to see a loving grandmother being eaten. In real life, someone who enjoys watching bloodshed as in a Roman circus, has a serious problem. NO animal murderers are romantic heroes. Not Heathcliff and Mr. Knightly . Not be committed. Better

that English society devoid of "heroes" like these.

journalist says Petit Quino, in this interview: "There was a time boasted of it. But now they are worried. Very worried. Not only because of the ban bullfighting in Catalonia passed last year. It also grips your thought the decline in the number of festivals and a growing social distancing. "

have in your hands much of the uncertain future of bullfighting. They do not feel persecuted, "but the ban attacked by taurine in Catalonia, there have been cut free."

"Ban in a parliament democratically something that most find it a shameful cruelty is not curtail freedom. is progress. is civilization. is common sense. As much as they fuck.

Enrique Ponce: "The bullfighter represents the values \u200b\u200bof human existence."

"!? But who has told this to the individual? Where did you read? What is smoking? Why a nonsense of this size, only can happen to someone very arrogant under the influence of drugs, or a liter of grape pomace. "Values \u200b\u200bof human existence? I had to read three times to make sure it was not me who had drunk a bottle of marc.

These values \u200b\u200bonly someone who enjoys whoring and killing animals. The rest, we, the majority inmensísima do not need those despicable values \u200b\u200bbullfighters. The values \u200b\u200bof human existence should be to respect all creatures. Human or animal.
Cayetano Rivera Ordonez
: "I would listen to proposals beyond the prohibitions."

Should we repeat that in Catalonia were banned bullfights in a democratic way in a parliament? The only possible suggestion in this case is to stop killing in the name of "art", innocent creatures.

There is more to see their faces.
His arrogance.

Jose Maria Manzanares : "Bullfighting is now more future than ever. "

That's what you want to believe and no one believes anymore. It's a question of time, but like the churches and not filled, not the arenas. It is shameful to continue giving cut subsidies in aid to social causes.

Juan del Alamo: "You have to make a fashion bull."

No. Spilling innocent blood will not be fashionable. These people do not want to understand that we do not like killing animals. We are appalled. This is something despicable.

should follow the lead of Alvaro Munera valn . Colombian bullfighter bullfighting sorry, and now advocate and fighter for animal rights.

Here are some excerpts from an interview. Worth reading your opinion on this topic:

(...) There were several critical moments in my career where I saw so much cruelty taurine I wanted to leave : when I killed a heifer in a state of pregnancy and I saw how drew her fetus from the womb, at that time I wanted to leave because he had killed two and the scene was so daunting and so impressive that I said "no more", I began to mourn and vomited, but I got the pat on the back and my agent told me "quiet, you're gonna be a figure of bullfighting, they are part of the job ", so I wasted the first opportunity to continue my career taurine, which today is inconceivable to me and what I am ashamed, but at that time I was 14 years and I realized enough to quit. Then, when closed killed a bull hit him five or six espadazo and animal, with part of their internal organs outside as well, fighting for life, clinging to her with the little strength he had left also impressed me and told me the withdrawal, however already had prepared my trip to Spain and crossed the Atlantic (...)

(.. .) You have to think that my career taurine was between twelve and eighteen years, which is when it was caught. From there I moved to America and was really in this country where I changed my mind. I first had contact with people in the hospital and then out, when I faced a totally bullfighting Society, which not conceive that there are villages where they are torturing and killing animals. That rejection and the rejection made him feel me where I moved, in the Hospital, the University, in my circle of friends. At first tried to defend bullfighting with the same arguments they use the bull, but the strength and the strength of the arguments against torture are so great that doing something sensible to accept that I was wrong, that the reason you attended 99% of humanity that is against shows cruel to animals and understand that God was giving me an opportunity now to accept that I was wrong and to repair my crimes (...)

(...) What made me stand against of bullfighting and animal protection was not caught in another, perhaps if he had continued in Spain I would have continued to be taurine, was to have lived my whole rehabilitation period in a country where you do not conceive that people to have fun torturing animals, who see us as backward people , I really I realized that what I did was an absolute outrage

(...) The arguments they use to defend bullfighting bullfights, more than arguments are excuses (...)

(...) The bulls say that the bull was born to it and that if there were no runs disappear one species. First to say is not true that the bull was born for this, no one is born to be tortured, the bull is not a species is a race created by man, designed and engineered by him to reach what is today the bull on the basis of many junctions and is not a species, which would be the cattle, so the bull does not stop being a race more of this kind. So raise animals to be tortured, that's something we can never ethically accept. Civilized society can never accept that an animal breed, which is a living being, with a nervous system similar to our own center, to be tortured and over people have fun with their ordeal , it falls under its own weight and as I said, bullfighting never have arguments to be defended, suddenly apologized but never arguments . What else can they say?, Which generate many jobs, if tourism, which many people live it. If that argument is sustainable could also say that why we're going to suppress terrorism, drug trafficking, kidnapping, extortion, the same war that also generates lots of income and there are many people who live it, then something never cruel, barbaric , bloody argument may assert that hence people get their modus vivendi.

Defending a cruel tradition, where the first victim is innocent and where is brutally tortured and massacred, and ethical tradition is inconceivable . If so we should have defended at the time as traditional human sacrifice of the Mayan or Aztec. The way is trying to overcome barbaric traditions that today are seen as black pages of history ; I am sure that very soon the bullfighting will be seen as a black page history of mankind. In some countries, in the very near future people will wonder: how can we allow fun torturing and killing animals?

(...) The bull does not suffer. This is an absolute fallacy total, apart from how rebrinca when he nailed the flags and the shank of punishment or the sink, to understand that the bull suffers like us - and indeed the biology and physiology has shown clearly - , enough to know that the bull has a central nervous system that responds to pain stimuli in the same way as ours and say that the bull does not suffer more than an apology they invent is an act of such audacity and ignorance that borders on absurdity and stupidity (...)

(...) is not true that it is a struggle as to equal, if that were the average of fighters dead should be equal to the average dead bulls, the bullfighter has the physical skills, the use of reason, has the mental arguments to deceive the bull, stung to decrease Physically, the bull just stands to those who attack him but do not have that ability is the reason to distinguish clearly what is cheating and who is deceiving him and that's why bullfighters dead are very few, is a negligible rate alongside the bulls are killed each day in the run (...)

(...) I acknowledge that there are a lot of torture and more torture and cruelty in raising animals for slaughter at the bull, but raising an animal to its final destination in the cruelty, torture and death, so that people pay to go see it and enjoy it and is cause for excitement and joy, I find it more abhorrent practice, inhuman and wild that have a Society. Never be an argument that the bull very well cared for and went on to torture, this would something similar to what I said before, the Aztecs and the Maya chose the most beautiful maidens and then slaughter them. No, this can never be a valid argument (...)

The Company develops, man evolves and every day more people become aware that we must leave behind the cruel spectacles with animals. The first to lose the hold is the same man because it is degrading, witnessing the suffering of an animal and enjoying it. I'm sure the youth of today are not interested at all bullfighting, want nothing cruelty to living beings who are innocent because the bull, it must be said, has no love for the bull, the bull does not enjoy the "olés" the pasodobles not know what it is, comes to a strange place for him and savagely tortured and killed without understanding why. So the current abolitionist already started, I do not have reverse, it is important that we speed up the process rather sooner than later make as to eliminate the run, cockfighting, the Cole, the corralejas, animal circuses , etc., all shows heinous and violent to animals and so I think that every day fewer people go to the Plaza, because every day people become aware. The end of bullfighting see it close, it's hard but do not have any future, are not intended to expand to other countries, other cultures, other countries will never admit that taurine not join its Culture Entertainment cruel to animals, then in that I am optimistic sense in the hands of youth is that this process will accelerate.

There have been legislative attempts to end bullfighting but the economic and political power of the bull is big and have managed to get those majorities claiming the right to work and tradition. But that governments who have come to demonstrate against the Company and this is especially the youth. Taurine in any article that has comments in a newspaper, 95% of them are against bullfighting, is so overwhelming feeling of the Company that I believe that politicians and governments have to accept that they are against the popular sentiment of the vast majority of people and will have to legislate in this regard. I think the pressure that we can make mass moving in this direction is important for governments and legislators could make the consciousness that we have taken the vast majority of the people.

Well, it's a step forward in the debate is brought to Parliament or here in Colombia, to Congress. In the 80's the bullfighters were heroes, were conceived as such, no one questioned the suffering of the animal, with the boom of the 90's and now in the new century people are seeing the cruelty that exists in the bullfights; is now bringing this stark reality of what happens to the bull in the Plaza to all MEPs, all councilors, members of the Autonomous Communities, the same Congress in Spain, and here at the Congress, so that understand that reality and begin to join efforts and legislate from these corporations to ban these barbaric customs.

Repentant God wants. Say.

Copy: http://www.otromadrid.org/articulo/5837/entrevista-alvaro-munera-torero/

http://www. elpais.com/articulo/portada/hora/verdad/elpepusoceps/20110508elpepspor_9/Tes

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Lung Cancer Or Emphysema Samething?

Gran gala tribute to Alexander McQueen at the Metropolitan.

sta E entry it started three days ago. Everyone, I suppose, it has already been said.

for some reason, someone is dedicated to subtract hours of my days, because every time I have less time for everything I intend to do and I do not know if my computer or Blogger or both together, act in a sadistic way with me, I have not been able to finish so far.

few days ago was held at the Metropolitan New York, a tribute to Alexander McQueen.

At the same time, we see the exhibition of his creations (in many sometimes more art than it is in many contemporary art museums) "Savage Beauty."

"After the death of McQueen wanted to create an exhibition to celebrate his legacy and contribution to fashion history. Andrew Bolton

McQueen had an extraordinary technique . It was one of the most provocative designers, creative and even subversive of the last 30 years. His shows were amazing and united fashion with art (You can check YouTube).

The Metropolitan annual Gala is the fashion industry, what the Oscars to the movies.

The Red afombra this huge event, need not envy the Oscars as stars and high fashion is concerned.

Here's a sample:

Naomi, of course, dressed McQueen.
seems a queen of a country to discover.

Beyoncé, also McQueen.

you need help to climb stairs.
But is that a lady in that dress,
NOT to climb stairs.


The Queen of pop.

La Ciccone.

Madonna. Dressed by Stella McCartney .

My favorite.
A dress worthy of Morticia riding the Nostromo .
worn by Christina Ricci Zac Posen.

I do not understand is why Zac Posen poses as if he'd
dress Beyoncé.

Leelee Sobieski
, Vionnet fine of .

of Christina Hendricks Carolina Herrera.
put Like what you wear.

gorgeous Jennifer Lopez of Gucci.

Jessica Alba of Ralph Lauren.

Ginnifer Goodwin of Gucci.

Liv Tyler dressed by Givenchy .

WARNING Iros to prepare a sandwich, tea or to the bathroom, left a jug of photos.

¡Y que conste que he dejado un montón fuera!

¿Ya? Adelante.

Dianna Agron de Michael Kors .

Serena Williams ¿?

Gisele Bundchen de McQueen.

Alicia Keys ¿?

The great Dakota Fanning of Valentino

Renee Zellweger, I guess that Carolina Herrera,

... and back.

Elizabeth Banks "?

Miranda Kerr de Marchesa y Orlando Bloom.

Colin Firth y señora.

Fergie de Marchesa

Fergie y Josh Duhamel

Kristen Dunst


Taylor Swift by J. Mendel Couture

Diane Kruger, very very pretty
and with an incredible leg.

Lucy Liu of Vionnet.

Jason Statham


Salma Hayek de McQueen.

Claire Danes

Milla Jovovich

Evan Rachel Wood

Florence Welch

Rosie Huntington-Whiteley

Jessica Stam

Maggie Gyllenhaal

Emma Stone the Lanvin.

Rumer Willis . Then comes his mother.

Hailee Steinfeld

Bar Refaeli

Here is Demi Moore mom, Rumer .
Whatever they say, very pretty.
I wanted

of Iman Stella McCartney

Mia Wasikowska by Thakoon

Penelope of Oscar de la Renta .
I appreciate it was a little more daring.
This is a dress you would like any mother. Even
any grandmother.
Isabel Lucas

Rihanna of Stella McCartney.
That braid in that dress, I do not understand.
Or a bow or long hair.

Kate Hudson Stella McCartney of

One of the Olsen (not distinguished), gently

Jennifer Hudson by Vera Wang

Eva Mendes of Stella McCartney

by Sarah Jessica Parker Alexander McQueen

Anna Wintur of Chanel. Behind
, Andre Leon Talley ,
is stealing role.
And he succeeds!

Ashley Greenn of Donna Karan

Over the top: Model Shalom Harlow in Marchesa, Mad Men's Chrstina Hendricks and actress Christina Ricci in Zac Posen
Shalom Harlow of Marchesa.

The big blue: Vogue's Andre Leon Talley makes an unforgettable statement in voluminous blue jacket as he arrives at the Met museum
now, yes. Andre Leon Talley.
If a bishop can, why does not it?