Thursday, March 31, 2011

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"Sucker Punch" is a fantasy action epic that takes us into the imagination of a young woman whose dreams he offer the best way out for darker reality. Unrestrained by the limits of time and place, she is free to go wherever your mind takes it, but his incredible adventures blur the boundaries between reality and imagination ... with potentially tragic consequences.

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The dying lion of Lucerne

"The saddest piece of stone,
poignant and powerful
the world"
Mark Twain

E n one of the last entries, here, giving some examples of things that seem impossible to me that people do not feel moved by them, I mentioned a carved lion. My friend Eva, I asked him. Here it is.

I, I can say without fear of aquivocarme, which is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life. The local environment is the sumun to enhance something so beautiful. Also, note that it was conceived and carried out by someone with sensitivity. Just like how things are done today.

Copied from Wikipedia:

Lucerne wounded Lion. The Lion Monument Lucerne (German: Löwendenkmal), (also called the Lion dying Lucerne or wounded Lion of Lucerne) is a sculpture carved between 1819 and 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen on a rock wall of the city of Lucerne in Switzerland to commemorate the death in 1792 of about 700 mercenaries from the Swiss Guard during the French Revolution when they defended the assault of the revolutionaries at the Tuileries Palace in Paris, France.

The play is set in a sandstone rock in the city of Lucerne, which for years was operated as a quarry to build the city. This is not a work of natural size, as is done at twice the size of a real lion. Measures 6 feet high and 10 meters long. The painting depicts a lion fell, mortally wounded and the pain stuck in the face, on a shield with fleur de lis of the French monarchy and with it no shield with the arms of Switzerland. A Thorvaldsen it took 2 years of work to achieve such perfection and is one of the sculptures that remain outside even today. Although the work was designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen, was executed by Lucas Ahorn (1789-1856) a builder of Constance (southern Germany).

The Lion Monument was inaugurated on August 10, 1821. Originally, the site was privately owned. In 1882 the city of Lucerne, bought it. The site is accessible without an entrance fee. The monument quickly became one of the main attractions of Lucerne.

In the top of the monument contains the Latin inscription Helvetiorum Fidei ac Virtuti which means "to the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss." also are engraved the names of the dead and the officers of the Swiss Guard, and the number of deaths among the Swiss soldiers (DCCLX = 760) and the number of surviving soldiers (CCCL = 350).

Estas rosas sólo son para dar una nota de color
 y por que a una estatua de un león moribundo,
nada le va mejor que unas bonitas rosas.
 ¿O acaso no?

O un conmovido ángel

A kiss for you, Eva .
And for your creatures! Including
two legs.

Wednesday, March 30, 2011


Goobye Mr. Granger. People

E s very sad for me to do this kind of entries. Every week, sometimes more often, we run another star of the cinema classics by belonging. I guess so, by age. Is life, they say. But it's sad.

We have supported his films throughout our lives. They are, in varying degrees, part of us.

"I like watching movies, but I hate them." Farley Granger

I like that do and to see them.

Farley Earle Granger II

San Jose, California. July 1, 1925
New York, USA. March 27, 2011

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Why Does Trapezius Cause Dizziness

good. Bad people.

And or do not presume to be a good person. Nor to be clever or smart, I'm not sure if any of those things. But when I compare myself to other people, I tend to think that I should not complain as I am.

People are very bad, very bad. The worst. But even to be bad, you have to be smart.

The world is full of bad people, nothing clever and worse, the two things at once.

a young man had the complex (one of many) not to be very sharp.

I did not.

If anything helped me go through that damned, evil trance that was useless for military service, was realizing that if he was aware of the many people with little lights around me, was mean that I was not so dumb.

The glasses, moi.
God, how I miss that waist!

I must say I've never had anything against the unintelligent. In fact, I am very lenient them. If you're stupid and you are also a good person you are blessed! You have no reason to fall ill. Quite the contrary. I can be very understanding and patient. No one is guilty for not being born very sharp.

good people I admire, whether listed or silly. With what I can not is wrong with people, whether poor or ill intelligent fools.

Well, this bad, really fascinates me.

The fools are the worst. His stupidity can cause the most terrible evils (if not those of the ready).


I like a lot, even admiration, humble people. Humble and good. Not abundant.

Years ago, at the time of my borzoi Dimitri (I tend to refer to the different times with different names of my dogs), I met a woman in the park, which saw all days with her little dog. He was rescued from a neighbor who mistreated him. She pudiéndolo not support, asked him to give it to her. And surely he could not have fallen into better hands. Nina was the most humble person in the world; could not be more simple. Every day, she mentioned the little list that era. Had no education. Was Galician, from a very humble family. I asked for help to manage their mobile, "is that these things I do not understand" "I do not sive for this" "You know I'm not ready." I knew it was. He said the world was full of dumb people who knew how to handle your mobile. There was no question of intelligence.

was one of the most sensible people I've met in my life. It was, indeed, wisdom in person. It was a pleasure chatting with her. He was open minded, tolerant and above all it was a very good person. He spoke with a calm and admirable serenity. You could not imagine it angry. Neither looked like being happy. She was transmitting immediate sympathy and compassion. Felt like hugging her. To make matters worse, she would not stop praising. To me!

with Nina Dimitri in the park.

The blond puppy is glimpsed
under the table, was his.
and sitting in the middle, Txiki .
dear friend of all my dogs.

A day, I arrived at the park with Dimitri and chatting with two guys I saw a suit and tie and looking American. It was clear that they were Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons, or something like that. I greeted her without parameterization. I did not get into a conversation that I had not been called. A few minutes later I returned and saw her alone already. He told me God had spoken. He had given a talk. She politely listened to them, it was unable to say no. In the end, he simply said he did not like the idea of \u200b\u200bGod were telling him. It was, as she understood, a vengeful god, vindictive and determined punished for things he apparently was not serious reasons. Disagreed with that god.

The god she thought had nothing to do with what you were selling. Their god was kind, caring and forgiving knew.

I heard admired his reasoning and thinking, once again, that was a very wise woman. The worst thing is that she was not aware. I wish there were more people like her. The much admired. Months later

ill. He came to the park first with a headscarf and then with a wig. I told him that was very pretty. She thanked me. I broke your heart. Came a day when the one who came to the park with the little dog was her husband. One day I found out he was dead. He had just killed Dimitri too, with only a year and a half.


I felt much the death of Nina. In addition, it seemed very unfair.

People like you should not leave us so soon (not your beloved dog). I felt not being able to say more clearly what he admired. And how smart and wise he was. I also felt not having had the opportunity to give a picture just before I asked. I wanted a picture of me with Dimitri . Quite an honor. The always remember.

Meanwhile, we have to live with people I can not stand. People absolutely chunga. If not negligible. Even in the park.

people, priests and nuns, among others, who oppose what is not family.

being directly
think that goes against the sacred and jeopardizes the establishment and are then able, for decades (priests and nuns) of stealing hundreds, say even thousands, of children from birth to mothers who are told their babies have died, and then sell them to other families.

Doggy handsome! Good Dog! Dog ready!

disgustingly despicable. Now that is an attack on the meaning of "The Family." Shredding. Now that has to be a grave mortal sin.

People like Xavier Orcajo (makes me sick to write that name) who dares to insult a despicable way (and incidentally, several groups), then right-wing television channel, a woman as worthy as Carla Antonelli , For the sole reason of being transsexual and to become the first transsexual woman in a regional parliament having become part of the lists of PSOE Madrid .

Carla Antonelli

"... a PRIDE because then I'm in a different group of people to have lost any trace or hint of his humanity. If the cave roars is that we exist ... And I still am proud that the group of good people. "

very cleverly said Carla Antonelli.

People like Deputy Mayor of Environment of the PP in the Community of Madrid, Ana Botella. By god! There is more to do the little confianda inspired by that face!

Put a mustache, cut his hair ...
scary. She

loose pearls as

"The claims in favor of equality for women today, are unnecessary." (live On what planet this woman?)

"The planet has to be at the service of man." (Can you be more arrogant?)

O referring to the homosexual marriage law: "Apples are not pears. If you add an apple and a pear can never two blocks. " (!??)

On violence: "Cinderella is an example for our lives by the values \u200b\u200bit represents. Get the abuse without complaint, seeks solace in the memory of his mother. " (Is this the argument of an intelligent person? How someone who occupies an important position?)

The Prestige , a ship loaded with thousands of tons of fuel, had sunk off the Galician coast causing an ecological disaster of major proportions. All (politicians, citizens, media) blame, all but Bottle: "The Prestige disaster there is only one culprit: the boat." ( This, directly, it seems that for a mental moron)

Recognizing the excessive pollution in Madrid (First he denied it. They had pollution gauges changed to green spaces), Bottle said: "It is not harmful to the health of citizens." "The strike choking again." (Y Rajoy had a cousin who denied the dangers of climate change)

now attacking the Socialists that use highly polluting cars, while she goes to the barbershop (At the side of my house! Paso all days in the salon with my gauges. I prefer not to see it up close!) with two official cars and four bodyguards.

That grin on your face ...

"The Gonzo known reporter was waiting for the councilor at the door of the salon, despite the insistence of the reporter who asked about the use of official car and air pollution in Madrid, Bottle declined to comment. (Silent!)

Two vehicles
officers and four officials accompanying the Deputy Mayor in hairdressing session. Finally, Ana Botella abandoned house by the back door, and walking, although according to the reporter pointed out, his official car followed her down the street. "

This woman and her husband, Jose Maria Aznar elected the magazine "Foreign Policy" as one of the five most disastrous presidents in history, was associated with Marcial Maciel .

Speaking of faces that inspire little confidence!
their god and they are bred ...

The leader of one of the most successful movements in the new Catholicism, "The Legionaries of Christ." Not only was notorious pederast and drug addict. Also had children (at least four, maybe six) with several women, blatantly plagiarized bedside book Legionnaire, entitled The psalter my days, and imposed the entire organization a fourth vow of silence to shelter complaints. One of his former colleagues even accused of having poisoned his uncle, Bishop Guizar, who endorsed the successful ecclesiastical career of the ambitious nephew in the turbulent Mexico of the thirties of last century. A saint!

This madman was a favorite of Pope John Paul II and blessed by him.

There are people cruel (Are they good?) Who enjoys bullfights and considers art and culture. Does the torture, murder and enjoy it, art and culture? Are cults and bullfighters bullfighting artists according to the PP, PSOE, etc.? I can think of none other than cult artist and a bullfighter.

This attitude is what I call despicable.

anyone who makes life, shedding blood for mere enjoyment, artist? A person who enjoys, and even goes into ecstasy (Yes I have heard of erections) with this bloody spectacle worthy of the Roman circus, can not be sensible.

Please note the right side of the photo.
More art and culture in my ass.

"Can be further from the art something that implies the destruction of life?" Cruelty can not be art or culture " Joaquín Araújo, writer and natularista

say nothing of the kind of people:

innocent blood to the elbows,
happy-faced satisfaction.

Art hunting. "
I feel nauseous.

Why it seems that only good people die?

The other day I saw a third time, "Love and Other Disasters."

is a comedy I really enjoyed the two previous times. The third time was not beaten. The reason, sad reason, I could not help but feel a tremendous shame to see that Brittany Murphy, which I thought one of the most delightful and talented actresses of recent years (it was very easy for me to have him a special affection) left us too soon (I talked about it HERE ). I could not get it out of his head.

Everybody rave about it. There is more to see in his films. It was the opposite to Ana Botella .

Very unfair.

The world would be fairer and better without the bad people.

almost forgot the video of this woman named bottle!