Thursday, March 31, 2011

Stomach Bug Lastig Longer Than 5 Days

The dying lion of Lucerne

"The saddest piece of stone,
poignant and powerful
the world"
Mark Twain

E n one of the last entries, here, giving some examples of things that seem impossible to me that people do not feel moved by them, I mentioned a carved lion. My friend Eva, I asked him. Here it is.

I, I can say without fear of aquivocarme, which is one of the most beautiful things I've seen in my life. The local environment is the sumun to enhance something so beautiful. Also, note that it was conceived and carried out by someone with sensitivity. Just like how things are done today.

Copied from Wikipedia:

Lucerne wounded Lion. The Lion Monument Lucerne (German: Löwendenkmal), (also called the Lion dying Lucerne or wounded Lion of Lucerne) is a sculpture carved between 1819 and 1821 by the Danish sculptor Bertel Thorvaldsen on a rock wall of the city of Lucerne in Switzerland to commemorate the death in 1792 of about 700 mercenaries from the Swiss Guard during the French Revolution when they defended the assault of the revolutionaries at the Tuileries Palace in Paris, France.

The play is set in a sandstone rock in the city of Lucerne, which for years was operated as a quarry to build the city. This is not a work of natural size, as is done at twice the size of a real lion. Measures 6 feet high and 10 meters long. The painting depicts a lion fell, mortally wounded and the pain stuck in the face, on a shield with fleur de lis of the French monarchy and with it no shield with the arms of Switzerland. A Thorvaldsen it took 2 years of work to achieve such perfection and is one of the sculptures that remain outside even today. Although the work was designed by Bertel Thorvaldsen, was executed by Lucas Ahorn (1789-1856) a builder of Constance (southern Germany).

The Lion Monument was inaugurated on August 10, 1821. Originally, the site was privately owned. In 1882 the city of Lucerne, bought it. The site is accessible without an entrance fee. The monument quickly became one of the main attractions of Lucerne.

In the top of the monument contains the Latin inscription Helvetiorum Fidei ac Virtuti which means "to the loyalty and bravery of the Swiss." also are engraved the names of the dead and the officers of the Swiss Guard, and the number of deaths among the Swiss soldiers (DCCLX = 760) and the number of surviving soldiers (CCCL = 350).

Estas rosas sólo son para dar una nota de color
 y por que a una estatua de un león moribundo,
nada le va mejor que unas bonitas rosas.
 ¿O acaso no?

O un conmovido ángel

A kiss for you, Eva .
And for your creatures! Including
two legs.


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