Friday, April 8, 2011

Who Masterbates With Vaseline


H ome days copies an input the blog of my friend Arquepe Blog in the broadcasts of dogs. Were dogs from a kennel, no one broadcast. Nobody cared. Arquepe took pictures of each of all those dogs desperate to find someone who valued and appreciated as only they deserve. The spread. We did also those who know their concerns, grief and dedication.

There are still many people who know that in this country, sacrifices dogs in kennels. Yesterday I saw

Arquepe had published the following entry full of pain, sorrow and helplessness. Break the soul.


T รบ say that you and ... do you care.

You say, rightly, that you get by the dog-ass this writing and even my tears. (Sorry for the rudeness, but I have collapsed the last particles of poetry).

You say that what anybody ever thought ... that what meneaste tail with joy and looked timid with dignity, face to face with a human.

say what to do come to your prison, to speak in a sweet voice ...

You say ...

You just do not say anything.

're the first, although I suspect to chill not the last. I imagined this would happen, but did not expect it so soon. I come from the kennel and I asked the body, as well as uncontrollable pouting, devote a few lines. Yes, those who already know what you do with them ...

Ask for forgiveness even later. "In good times green sleeves!". Yes, you're right, absolutely right. We see that you were a good dog and reasonable. Not particularly pretty, or "pure." What do bagpipes is that? As one of the many absurdities that was fun to invent this guy on two legs, so bad, so cruel and dangerous. This evil creature, although there are exceptions, of mankind. This memo and hurtful to be deciding who is to race, who deserves to live, who will be groomed, who tied faint and Malcolm, who being a slave and who is eternal humbled among his people. But well ... that's what you know much more than me.

also were big. That is an added danger to keep you alive. Today I got the last cage, where you were and now are others. You were not to die. It is true that I saw you throw up, but you were not weak or sick. You came with your big head of good people without a future, and I meneaste the tail with no hint of rancor. Vomit with disgust how not? Were not you were unwell or abandoned, like so many others who do not want to eat or live.

And yet ...

I've asked you, almost knowing, because I knew with this shit of wisdom that the years are not going to give me on Thursday the surprise of your adoption. What can I say? What I sensed from the first time I saw you in that last cage? I say it will take a long, long time there. That was already sung that no one asked for you, you do not see (even with that big body). So, as a balance, imagine that you would carry from cage to cage to finish in the most hidden. This was needed to be looking forward. I, believe if you want ... I portrayed the former, precisely because you were in the last cage. Thank you very much ... You may say that what you have earned ...

I will not call in any way. Are the first who touched my heart. Perhaps destartaladillo by dissonant, and tender ... I came, and the view is, I also say that not enough.

name I will not in any way. For your own miserable that it was somehow call you. You were a good-natured, was obvious. Like you gave to the children of the house when you were a plump ball and graceful. But were not a video game. So ..., that's not going to talk. It is a hackneyed story and by now even the most bastards know it. They care about is another story. Someone took you there. And ran off empty-handed, removed the dead of the way, because ... my beautiful, innocent me ... it is true that you were a standing dead.

I sing this tribute for you.

Yes, dear, yes dear ... raise your Pataz and piss on it. I accept that. I told you carry more so that the holy Guinefort, which I hope you hosting. And God knows that never would imagine the deep sadness I feel when I call. Even that is useless and cowardly.

only encourages me a clue that someone reads these lines and be moved to others like you. Of course, I know many will be shaken, but those, noble and good, that is, our species (I know them well), those not needed.

Hopefully this will disturb someone who does not know of dropouts, kennels, sacrifices, and adoptions. I wish this were to happen to someone. Someone who does not blogs consult dog, who does not forward mail broadcasts ... he did not know that there are many like you who still whine nervous when you approach, and shredded the trufillas against the cage, so to steal a caress. Even that, a fleeting contact.

Rest in peace. Sorry. They say there's a rainbow where you are going to freak out with joy. With sausages hanging from the trees, warm sun on the grass and meadows with endless chase.

I put your picture, I know you shrug, say if it is to feel sorry ... to feed the sentimentality ... No. It's because, as I told you, I'm really suit that does not stay in total anonymity, even at the wrong time. And because in that picture (which I watched more times than I bet you calculate you) I swear I saw that even smiled.

Although you say that to you ... and do you care ...

(And you're right)

Thanks to Arquepe and also to Elvira for it.

I will continue to put this photo.


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