Thursday, September 13, 2007

What To Write On A Wedding Guest Book

Delmira Agustini-knot-


Their idyll was a smile of four lips ...
In the warm lap of spring blonde tally
They loved such wise that his fingers trembled
the divine form of the Chimera.

In the glimmering palaces of quiet afternoons
spoke in a language sense as a cry,
And they kissed deeply, biting the soul ...
hours fluttered away like golden flowers,

Then Fate brought its two icy hands ...
Ah! yielded bodies, but souls are twisted
the most intricate knot that never was ...
In wrestling with his crazy tangles superhuman
The Furies of life is broken las manos
Y fatigó sus dedos supremos Ananké...

The knot

Their idyll was a smile of four lips...
In the warm lap of blond spring
They loved such that between their wise fingers
the divine form of Chimera trembled.

In the glimmering palaces of quiet afternoons
They spoke in a language heartfelt as weeping,
And they kissed each other deeply, biting the soul!
The hours fluttered away like petals of gold,

Then Fate interposed its two icy hands...
Ah! the bodies yielded, but tangled souls
Are the most intricate knot that never unfolds...
In strife with its mad superhuman Entanglements,
Life's Furies rent coupled Their hands
Powerful And wearied your fingers, Ananke ...

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini-Bang-


If life is love, bless!
I want more life to love! Today I feel
are not worth a thousand years of ideas than a minute
The feeling blue.

My heart was dying slowly, sadly ... Today
opens like a flower FEBEA;
Life flows like a violent sea
by the hand of love strikes! Today

left for the night, sad, cold, broken wings
my melancholy
Like an old sore spot in the shade

far it dissolves ...
my life sings, kisses, laughs!
My life is a mouth in bloom!


If Love Were life, how blessed it Would Be!
so I want to love more life! Now I feel
A thousand years of ideas Are Not worth
blue One minute of sentiment.

slowly dying My heart WAS, Sadly ...
Now it opens like a flower Phoebe:
Life rushes forth like a turbulent is
Whipped by the hand of love.

My sorrow flies into the night, sad, cold
STI With broken wings, Like
an old scar That Continues to ache-

In the distant shade it dissolves ... All my life
sings, kisses, laughs!
All my life is a flowering mouth!

Translation by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini-Prayer-


you never felt pity for the statues?
These chrysalides
of stone I do not know how formidable an eternal race
unutterable hope.
asleep in their mouths are black ash of Silence;
mana columns
shoulder the heavy shroud of Calm,
and flows of their orbits night;
victims of the Future or Mystery,
magnificent and terrible in cocoons
expected to Life or Death.
you never felt pity for the statues?

Mercy for the lives that your fiery brown bonanzas,
or watered or rend your storms;
pity for the bodies lined Ermine
solemn Quiet,
and light fronts cope
large marble wreaths of purity, heavy
as icebergs and glaciers;
pity for ice
gloved hands That can not uproot the delicious fruits
and fantastic flowers of the soul;
mercy for the eyes spiritual
eyelids flutter:
scales mystery
rose visions black heels ...
never seen anything looking so far!

Mercy for the tidy hair
"mystical auras"
combed as lakes that never airs
black fan,
black and huge storm,
pity for the illustrious spirits
carved diamond
high, clear, ecstatic
arrester domes;
pity for the lips like celestial
linkers, where the pearl gleams invisible
the Host
"lips that never were, never captured
not a vampire fire

more and more thirsty a deep hunger. "Pity for the sexes
That armor of a vine leaf astral
mercy for eternity
magnetic plants, which carry the eternal azure
burning with sores;
mercy, mercy, compassion for all lives
defending your wonderful weather

the lighthouse of Pride:

brace your sales or your rays ...

Eros: have you never felt pity on the statues
? ...


-Eros: have you never felt
Piety for the statues?
These Chrysalides of stone,
Some formidable race
In an eternal, unutterable hope.
The sleeping craters of their mouths
Utter the black ash of silence;
A copious shroud of Calm
Falls from the columns of their arms,
And night flows from their eyesockets;
Victims of Destiny or Mystery,
In magnificent and terrible cocoons,
They wait for Life or Death.
Eros: have you never perhaps felt
Piety for the statues?

Piety for the lives
That will not strew nor rend your battles
Nor gild your fiery truces;
Piety for the bodies clothed
In the solemn ermine of Calm,
The luminous foreheads that endure
Their marble wreaths, grand and pure,
Weighty and glacial as icebergs;
Piety for the gloved hands of ice
That cannot uproot
The delicious fruits of the Flesh,
The fantastic flowers of the soul;
Piety for the eyes that flutter
Their spiritual eyelids:
Mysterious fish scales,
Dark curtains on rose visions...
For looking so far, they never see!

Piety for the tidy heads of hair
–Mystical haloes–
Gently combed like lakes
Which the storm’s black fan,
Black and enormous, never thrashes;
Piety for the spirits, illustrious,
Carved of diamonds,
High, clear, ecstatic
Lightning rods on pious domes;
Piety for the lips like celestial settings
Where the invisible pearls of the Host gleam;
–Lips that never existed,
Never seized anything,
A fiery vampire
With more thirst and hunger than an abyss.
Piety for the sacrosanct sexes
That armor themselves with sheaths
From the astral vineyards of Chastity;
Piety for the magnetized footsoles
Who eternally drag
Sandals burning with sores
Through the eternal azure;
Piety, piety, pity
For all the lives defended
By the lighthouse of Pride
From your marvelous raw weathers:

Aim your suns and rays at them!

Eros: have you never perhaps felt
Pity for the statues?

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini "Another race-

Another strain

Eros, I want to guide you, Father blind ... I call on your hands

almighty exalted body
fire spilled over my body collapsed in pink!

The corolla electrical
unfold today provides the nectar of a garden Wives;
for his vultures in my flesh
give a whole swarm of pink doves. Da

the two snakes from her grasp, cruel, feverish stem
my great ... Absinthe, honey,
pour me in his veins, his mouth ...

lying So, I'm un surco ardiente
donde puede nutrirse la simiente
de otra Estirpe sublimemente loca!

Another lineage

Eros, I want to guide you, blind Father ...
I ask of your all-powerful hands
his sublime body spilled on fire
over my body lying in a bed of roses!

The electric corolla that today I wear
offers the nectar of a garden of Wives;
for his vultures in my flesh I give
an entire swarm of pink doves.

Give to the two cruel serpents of his embrace
my great feverish stem ... Absinthe, honey,
pour me out of his veins, of his mouth ...

Lying like this, I'm an ardent furrow
Where the seed of Another sublimely
lineage Can Be Nurtured crazy!

Translated by Joseph Wan Díaz

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Delmira Agustini" My muse sad

My muse sad

Vagos preludes. In the splendid night Pearl
His voice quiets a fountain
celestial breezes hang their fifes
In the foliage. The gray heads
Of the owls lurking.
The flowers open, as if surprised.
ivory swans necks tend
pale in the gaps. Selene
looks blue. Fronds
Tremble ... and everything! to silence, hush ...

She wanders with her sad mouth
And the great mystery of amber eyes,
Through the night, into oblivion,
As a fugitive and white star.
Like a dethroned queen of beautiful exotic
rare gestures and words.

Horizons violated their dark circles inside her eyes two stars of amber
open is wet and weary and sad
As light wounds that weep.

living is a pain and do not expect,
is a gray dawn rises
The large bed of shadows of the night, Tired
and without glory, without cravings
And their songs are sad tale
Jewelry of tears ...

Lit Cords
are fibers of souls .-
Bitter Blood

vineyards, noble vineyards
regal beauty in glasses, pour
At the hands of ivory, carved lips
As emblems of a race magna. Princes
the Dream! They have seen her standing
languid head
And they've seen him laugh, because he saw
vibrates and expands aristocracies flower!

And his pure soul like fire
Like a star shining in his eyes of amber
But just a glance, a touch of sorrow, perhaps
The echo of a voice profane
And the clean white soul concentrated
As a flower of light that is close!

My sad muse

Murmuring preludes. On this resplendent night
Her pearled voice quiets a fountain.
The breezes hang their celestial fifes
In the foliage. The gray heads
Of the owls keep watch.
Flowers open themselves, as if surprised.
Ivory swans extend their necks
In the pallid lakes.
Selene watches from the blue. Fronds
Tremble...and everything! Even the silence, quiets.

She wanders with her sad mouth
And the grand mystery of amber eyes,
Across the night, toward forgetfulness
Like a star, fugitive and white.
Like a dethroned exotic queen
With comely gestures and rare utterings.

Her undereyes are violated horizons
And her irises–two stars of amber–
Open wet and weary and sad
Like ulcers of light that weep.

She is a grief which thrives and does not hope,
She is a gray aurora rising
From the shadowy bed of night,
Exhausted, without splendor, without anxiousness.
And her songs are like dolorous fairies
Jeweled in teardrops...

The strings of lyres
Are the souls' fibers.–

The blood of bitter vineyards, noble vineyards,
In goblets of regal beauty, rises
To her marble hands, to lips carved
Like the blazon of a great lineage.

Strange Princes of Fantasy! They
Have seen her languid head, once erect,
Heard And her laugh, her eyes for
Tremble with the flower of aristocracy! And her soul

clean as fire, like a star, In Those
Burns Pupils of amber.
But with a mere glance, scarcely an intimacy,
Perhaps the echo of a profane voice,
This white and pristine soul Shrinks
Like a luminous flower, folding herself up!

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Delmira Agustini "Your mouth

Your mouth

I had a divine work on the Growing
Pride Rock. From a distance, some bright petal
flew me in the morning,
Some kiss at night. Tough like crazy

was still rock my divine work,
When your voice, like a bell
sacred celestial note in human tremor,
held out his gold loop on the edge of your mouth,

- Wonder nest of vertigo, your mouth!
Two rose petals fastened to an abyss ... -
Labor, labor of glory, painful and frivolous;
where my spirit was weaving herself!
You come to the arrogant head of the rock,
And I fall without end in the bloody abyss!

Your mouth

I Was at my divine work, upon the rock
Swelling with Pride. From a distance,
At dawn, Some bright petal came to me,
Some kiss in the night. Upon the rock,

Tenacious a madwoman, I clung to my work.
When your voice, like a sacred bell,
A celestial note with a human tremor,
Stretched its golden lasso from the edge of your mouth;

—Marvelous nest of vertigo, your mouth!
Two rose petals fastened to an abyss...—
Labor, labor of glory, painful and frivolous;

Fabric where my spirit went weaving herself!
You come to the arrogant head of the rock,
And I fall, without end, into the bloody abyss!

Translated by Valerie Martínez

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Delmira Agustini-gold anchor sings. ..-

El poeta leva el ancla

sings gold anchor ... the blue candle stands
Like the wing of a dream unfolding a new day.
Let us, my muse! In view of the prow
cheerful extends a beautiful sea. In eastern

crystal clear, resplendent
Blushed beacon Aurora. Fantasy
donning a rare garment of gems to roam
bright waves. It tends

Eolo The blue candle to its satin oriflamme ...
The supreme moment! ... I shudder, perhaps
Dream what awaits me in the unseen worlds? ...

Perhaps a fresh bouquet of fragrant laurels,
The golden fleece, the diamond scepter,
shipwreck, or the eternal corona de los Cristos?...

The golden anchor beckons...

The golden anchor beckons, the blue sail rises
Like the wing of a dream unfolding to a new day.
Let us depart, my muse!
Beyond an anxious prow, the sea stretches itself out.

In the crystal clear East, Aurora's
Blushed beacon shines. Fantasy
Is donning a rare garment of gems
To wander brilliantly over the waves.

The blue sail
Unfolds its private oriflamme to Aeolus...
The supreme moment!...I tremble: do I know–
Oh God!–what awaits me in unseen worlds?

Perhaps a freshly picked bouquet of fragrant laurels,
The golden fleece, a diamond scepter,
A shipwreck, or the eternal crown of the Anointed Ones? ...

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini-Al-

By Moonlight

The moon is pale and sad, the moon is lifeless and cold.
The gentle crescent profile figúraseme dead ...
that I prefer the more expensive flagship pale
Of all the Arab pearls, rose newly opened

In a corner of land with the colors of life,
I love this pale moon, I adore this dead!
And at the altar of the night lit up like a flower, Inebriated
of strange perfumes, incenses rendered my soul.

withered lips I know the blasphemy and wine
they kiss after an orgy in his footsteps in the road dying Locos
kissing her image in lakes stiff ...
Because she is the light of innocence, because that light Shining
mysterious white things, things turn white,
And even the blackest souls become uncertainly bright

In the light of the moon

The moon is pallid and sad, the moon is bloodless and cold.
I imagine the half-moon as a profile of the dead ...
And Beyond The renown and Praise Of Arab pearls
pallor, I prefer the rose in Recent bud.

In a corner of this land with the colors of earth,
I adore this pale moon, I adore this death mask!
And at the altar of the night, like a flower inflamed,
Inebriated by strange perfumes, my soul resigns.

I know of lips withered with blasphemy and wine;
After an orgy they kiss her trace in the lane.
Insane ones who die kissing her image in lakes...
Because she is light of innocence, because white things
Illuminate her mysterious light, things taking on white,
And even the blackest souls become uncertainly bright.

Translated by Valerie Martínez

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moonlight Delmira Agustini-Immutable-


Oh, you who sleep so deep you do not wake up!
Miraculous in life, miraculous in death,
And in life and live eternally open

night in mourning I find your eyes

Under a shade cloth or silk lace of moon. Bebo
them Calm as a lake.
For depth, for silence, for good, for quiet

a bed or a tomb appears each.

inextinguishable Or you

Who Can not sleep so deep you wake!
Every night in mourning I come upon your Pupils,
Miraculous in life, miraculous in death,

in life and death And eternally open.

Beneath a remnant of shade or silk lace of moon,
I drink I Would Their calm as a lagoon.
For depth, for silence, for goodness, for peacefulness.

Each one seeming to bed or a tomb.

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini "The poet and the illusion-

The poet and the illusion
The princess, the resonant filigree, turquoise eyes Princess
-sculpted porcelain
called one night at my door with their hands de lis.
vibrated the glass of his voice like an elegant flute.

"I know your life is gray.
I have the soul of a rose, the dew of budding flowers,
beautiful country I come from a
to be your muse and your sister! -
A hug ... then the sound carnation
of his mouth, softest honey, golden cloud of perfume and hair
brash as I was overcome a flood.
O honey, freshness, perfume! ... Sudden dream, the shadow
That drunk .. And when I wake up, the sun shining in my carpet
A false ruby \u200b\u200bred and a fake blonde curl!

The poet and the illusion

The Amazonian little princess, a resonant filagree,
-Turquoise eyes sculpted of porcelain, little princess-
Called at my door one night with her small hands of iris.
And the trilling crystal of her voice was like an elegant flute:

—I know your life is gray.
I have the soul of a rose, the dew of budding flowers,
I come from a beautiful country
To be your sister and muse!—.

An arm of alabaster...then, in the sonorous carnation
Of her mouth, softest honey; in a cloud of gold and perfume
She surrounded me, brash horsewoman, like a deluge.
Oh honey, freshness, perfumer!...The sudden dream, the shadow
Which intoxicates...and when I wake, the sun that falls on my carpet
In a false ruby very red, and a false ringlet very blond.

Translated by Valerie Martínez

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Delmira Agustini-Intima-


I'll tell you my life's dreams
In the depths of the blue night ...
my soul will tremble in your hands,
On your shoulders my cross.

summits of life are lonely,
So lonely and so cold!
I locked my yearnings inside, and all reside
As an ivory tower I raised.

Today I will reveal a great mystery;
Your soul is able to penetrate me. In silence are
vertigo of the abyss:
I hesitate, hold me in you.

Muero of dreams, I will drink your sources
Pure and cool the truth, I know
That is at the bottom of your chest magnum
The fountain that vanquishes my thirst.

And I know in our lives was
The ineffable miracle of reflection ...
In the silence of the night my soul
arrives at yours as a great mirror.

Imagine the love I dreamed
glacial in the tomb of silence!
Larger than life, more than dream,
Under the endless azure felt imprisoned.

Imagine my love, love that wants
life impossible, superhuman life,
you know if you weigh, if you consume
Dreams of Olympus in human flesh.

And when compared to the soul that felt
bit of azure to bathe its wings,
Like a great golden sun Or a beach
light opened your soul

Imagine! Close alive, radiant
The Impossible! The lived illusion!
Blessed be God, the sun, the flower, the air
life all because you are life!

anxiously If I bought this said, Blessed
tears that stained my eyes!
All wounds of the past laugh
the sun rising from her red lips!

Ah! You know my love, but go far
Through the night blooming;
Here the human frightens, there is hey,
It looks, feels, life without end.

We go further into the night, we
Where not an echo reverberates in me
night Like a flower in the shade and the opening
sweetly for you.


I will tell you the dreams of my life
On this Deepest of blue nights.
In your hands my soul will tremble,
On your shoulders will rest my cross.

The summits of life Are lonely, lonely So
and so cold! My Yearnings
I locked inside, and all reside
In the ivory tower I raised.

Today I will reveal a great mystery;
Your soul has the power to Penetrate me.
In silence are vertigos of the abyss:
I hesitate, I am sustained in you.

I die of dreams; I will drink truth,
Pure and cool, from your springs.
I know in the well of your breast
Is a fountain that vanquishes my thirst.

And I know that in our lives, this
Is the inexpressible miracle of reflection…
In the silence, my soul arrives at yours
As to a magnificent mirror.

Imagine the love I dreamed
In the glacial tomb of silence!
Larger than life, larger than dream,
A love imprisoned beneath an azure without end.

Imagine my love, love which desires
Impossible life, superhuman life,
You who know how it burdens and consumes,
Dreams of Olympus bound by human flesh.

And when met with a soul which found
A bit of azure to bathe its wings,
Like a great, golden sun, or a shore
Made of light, your soul opened:

Imagine! To embrace the Impossible!
Radiant! The lived illusion!
Blessed be God, the sun, the flower, the air,
And all of life, because you are life!

If I bought this happiness with my anguish,
Bless the weeping that stains my eyes!
All the ulcers of the past laugh
At the sun rising from red lips!

Ah you will know, My Love,
We will travel far across the flowery night;
What is human frightens There, There You Can hear it,
See it, feel it, Life Without End. Weitere

We go into Night, Where we go
in me not an echo reverberates,
Like a nocturnal flower in the shade, I will open
sweetly for you.

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini-Night-

Night Out on the night of tragedy veste
As a huge sobbing widow stuck to my glasses.

My room ...
By a wondrous miracle of light and fire
My room is a grotto of gold and precious gems:
a moss so soft, so deep its tapestries,
And it is vivid and warm, so sweet I think
inside a heart ...

My bed is white is white and vaporous
Like a flower of innocence,
Like the froth of vice!
This night brings insomnia
There are black nights, black, which bring forth
A pink sun ...
In these black and clear nights not sleeping.

And I love you, Winter!
I imagine you are old,
I imagine you are wise,
With a divine body beating marble
be dragged like a regal cloak the weight of Time ...
Winter, I love you and I am the spring ...
I blush, you snow:
you because you all know, because I
every dream ...

love each other like that! ... On my bed
So white and vaporous as the flower of innocence, foam
As vice
Winter, Winter, Winter,
fall in a cluster of roses and lilies!


Outside the night, dressed in tragedy, sighs Like an Enormous widow
fastened to my windowpane.

My room ... By a wondrous miracle
of light and fire
My room is a grotto of gold and precious gems: With a moss
so smooth, so deep ITS tapestries,
And it is vivid and hot, so sweet I believe I am inside a
heart ... My bed There

in white, is white and vaporous
Like a flower of innocence.
Like the froth of vice!
This night brings insomnia;
There are black nights, black, which bring forth
One rose of sun...
On these black and clear nights I do not sleep.

And I love you, Winter!
I imagine you are old,
I imagine you are wise,
With a divine body of beating marble
Which drags the weight of Time like a regal cloak...

Winter, I love you and I am the spring...
I blush, you snow:
Because you know it all,
Because I dream it all...

We love each other like this!...
On my bed all in white,
So white and vaporous like the flower of innocence,
Like the froth of vice,
Winter, Winter, Winter,
We fall in a cluster of roses and lilies!

Translated by Valerie Martinez

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Delmira Agustini-Night (2) -


Socketed at night the lake of your soul,
say a glass fabric and calm
concocted by the great spiders of sleeplessness. Nata

lustral water in alabaster;
purity mirror polishing the stars
and reflects the chasm of life in heaven! ...

I am the swan wandering the bloody trails, lakes
staining and I flew out.


Mounted in the night is the lake of your soul,
A cloth, Would one say, of crystal and calm
Woven by the large spiders of wakefulness.

A skim of sacred water in alabaster vases;
A mirror of purity That brightens the stars
And Reflects the abyss of life in the sky! ...

I am wandering the swan of the bloody trails, I go
staining the lakes and rising up in flight.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

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Delmira Agustini "For your muse

For your muse

When spill on the shoulders of your muse
pure robe of snow, I concentrate my petals

dark And I am the light alabaster lily.

your muse in pink to find my pink;
My heart is honey, perfume and fire
And live and die a glorious thirst: blood
Your lives should be my watering.

When tulle evening for a quiet Bebe
moon and azure in the lagoon,
I'm dreaming of flying swan;

And if the great mourning dress,
To wander through the paths sad, I am the light or
the shadow of a trail ...

To your muse

When you spill the gown of pure snow
Over the shoulders of your muse
I gather my dark petals
And I am the lily of light alabaster

To your muse in rose, I open in rose;
My heart is honey, perfume and fire;
And I live and die of a glorious thirst:
Your living blood should be water spilled on me.

When covered by a tulle of moonlight
It drinks calm and azure in the lake,
I am the swan that soars, dreaming;

And if in magnificent mourning you dress her
To wander along sad paths,
I am the light or the shadow of a stele. . . .

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

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Delmira Agustini-La statue

La estatua

Miradla, así, sobre el follaje oscuro
Recortar la silueta soberana …
Do not think about the premature offspring
In a great race tomorrow will bring?

So unshakable race, healthy,
carved on marble hits hard,
In the vast
future campaigns to dislodge the human family!

Look at her like that - on their knees! - In August
enforce nudity Calma scary! ... -
God! ... Moved the body, give it a soul!

Ved grandeur in the way you sleep ...
See him up there, miserable, helpless, poor
More than a worm, always calm!

The statue

Behold it, Malthus, over the dark foliage
Drawing its sovereign silhouette …
Does it not seem the premature blossom
Of a race which will live tomorrow?

So an unshakable, robust race
Sculpted with strokes on hard marble,
From the vast campaigns of the future
It will rout the human race.

Behold it, thus — crouched — in imperial
Calm, imposing frightful nakedness!
God! …Move that body, give it a soul!

See the greatness that sleeps in its form …
See it up there, wretched, defenseless,
Poorer than a worm, forever calm!

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

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Delmira Agustini-A spark-


fire was a dream fascinating

With lights and injured wild animals such diamonds rubies;
Ray of blood and fire
gold and purple burned down my gray East.
I was as blind ...
What light! ... - And then and then? ...
- Then? ... The Eastern gray ...

A spark

It Was A vision of fire

With fascinating lights of ruby \u200b\u200blike beasts And Wounded diamonds;
Rays of blood and fire
Inflamed in gold and purple the whole of my gray eastern sky.
I Stood as if blind ...
What a light! ... - And Then, And Then? Then
? ... The eastern gray sky ...

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

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Delmira Agustini-Mystery: Come ...-

Mystery: Come ...

Come, listen, I call on you. I miss my beloved
strange muse,
Come, you, that deep riddles MECES
vibrate in the warm pupils.
The channels that delves

amethyst opalescent dark circles ...

Come, listen, I call on you,

Strange strange love of my muse!

Come, you, you print a solemn pace
Al flicker tomb icy
that dictates the mournful accents
From deep in the shadows that tragic
Come, you, the poet's overwhelming, you press
The Lyre of silence: the rarest!
The vibrations of the long silent
which agreed to pitch the soul!

Come, listen, I call on you,

Strange strange love of my muse!
. ... ... .... .
Come, come to me in my eyes
sink yours in tough look,
glimpse in them the sublime enigma Del

beyond frightening ...
Come ... come closer ... sticks in my cold lips Your lips
Guste yo en ellos el sabor ignoto
De la esencia enervante de tu alma! …
. ………. .
Ven, oye yo te evoco,
Extraño amado de mi musa extraña!

Mystery: Come...

Come, listen, I call on you,
Strange lover of my strange muse,
Come, you who jumbles the deep enigmas
In the shivering of the warm pupils.
Who hollows out the amethyst riverbed

Of lived circles under her eyes …

Come, listen, I call on you,

Strange lover of my strange muse!

Come, you, the one who imprints a solemn rhythm
Upon the trembling of the glacial tomb;
The one who sets the dismal tone
Of the deep utterance of tragic shadows.
Come, you, weary poet, who plucks
The lyre of silence: the strangest one!
The one of the long mute vibrations,
Who harmonizes with the sound of the soul!

Come, listen, I call on you,

Strange lover of my strange muse!
. ……………
Come, come closer to me, that in my pupils
Yours may sink in tenacious sight,
That there may glimmer in them the sublime enigma

Of the hereafter, which frightens …

Come …come closer to me …pierce in my lips

Your cold lips of amber,

May I try the unknown taste in Them
enervating Of the essence of your soul! ...
. ... ... ... ... ...
Come, listen, I call on you,

Strange strange lover of my muse!

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Removing Sealer On Slate

Delmira Agustini-Love-


I dreamed mighty, formidable and passionate;
spoke the imprecise language of the torrent overflowed
was a sea of \u200b\u200bmadness and fire, Rolling down
eternal life as an irrigation.

Sonel After sad like a great sun
Folding night before the fire's head;
After laughed, and his mouth as tender as a prayer, the crystals
sounded the soul of the source.

And today the dream that is vibrant, and soft, and laughing, and sad,
That all the darkness and saw all the iris;
Which, fragile as an idol and eternal as God, On Life
all its majesty up: And the kiss falls
blazing scent your
plant fire in a flower without leaves for two ...


I Dreamt it impetuous, formidable, and ardent;
imprecise It spoke the language of the torrent,
It Was to be overflowing with madness and fire, Rolling Through Life
like an eternal fountain.

Afterwards, I dreamt it sad like a great sun setting
That facing the night turns its fiery head;
Then it laughed, and in its mouth as tender as a prayer
The soul of the fountain sounded its crystal.

And today I dream it vibrant and tender, laughing, and sad,
That it dresses all iris and darkness;
That, fragile like an idol and eternal like God,
Its majesty rises above all life:
And the kiss falls in fire to perfume its soles
In a fiery flower plucked by two …

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Groping On The Train Rape Movie

Delmira Agustini" The intruder

El intruso

Amor, la noche estaba trágica y sollozante
When your golden key in my lock sang;
Then the door open on the shadow Freezing,
Your form was a spot of light and whiteness.

Everything here what your diamond eyes lit up;
drank in my cup your lips fresh, rested
And your head on my pillow fragrant
I loved your cheek and I adored your madness. And today

river if you laugh, and sing if you sing;
And if you sleep I sleep like a dog at your feet! Today
took up in my shadow you smell spring
And tremble when your hand touches the lock,
And bless the night sobbing and dark
It flourished in my life your mouth tempranera!

The intruder

Love, the night was tragic and sobbing
When your golden key sang in my lock;
Then, the open door upon the gelid shadow,
Your figure was a stain of light and whiteness.

All was illumined by your diamond eyes;
Your lips of freshness drank in my cup,
And your fragrant head rested on my pillow;
Your impudence fascinated me and I adored your madness.

Today I laugh if you laugh, and I sing if you sing;
And if you sleep I sleep like a dog at your feet!
Today I carry even in my shadow your fragrance of spring;
And I tremble if your hand touches my lock,
And I bless the night sobbing and dark That in my life
your mouth fresh Bloomer.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Notes Of Engagement Congratulations

Delmira Agustini-La cup of love-

The cup of love

us drink together in the cup egregious! Rare
liquor offering to our souls. Open
my roses royal freshness indelible
the shadow of your palms!

You woke up my sleeping soul
silent in the tomb of the hours;
To you my life first
blood vessels in my northern light!

Ah! Your voice came to embroider gold
My gloomy silence, you broke
The great string of pearls from my cry, And the rising sun
my horizons opened.

For you, in my nocturnal east, the dawn
held out his trembling pink tulle;
So in the shadows of life now,
I'll open my soul like a blue sky! Ah

I'm open like a rose!
Come drink my honey sovereign:
I am the loving cup pompous
that locks in your hands superhuman!

The glass flame makes its splendor ...
Which spell in your hands glow! His mysterious delicacy
dream Fingers and lips of harmony.

The love cup

Let us drink together from the Uncommon cup! Rare
liquor is offered to our souls.
May my roses open their royal freshness
Under the indelible shadow of your palms!

You woke my dormant soul
In the silent tomb of the hours;
To you the first blood of my life
In the vases of light of my dawns!

Ah! your voice came to embroider in gold
My lugubrious silence; you broke
The great thread of pearls of my cry,
And to the rising sun you opened my horizon.

For you, in my nocturnal orient, dawn
Spread the shivering pink of its tulle;
So in the shadows of life now,
To you I open my soul like a blue sky!

Ah, I feel I am opening like a rose!
Come drink my sovereign honeys:
My soul is the cup of love
haughty That Will Be superhuman cradled in your hands! The cup raises

ITS splendor of flame ...
With enchantment What Would it shine in your hands! Its mysterious exquisiteness Claims

Fingers of reverie, and lips of harmony.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Incesti Italianionline

Delmira Agustini "My aurora-

My aurora

As a large rising sun lit up my life and my soul opened
to drink like a flower of dawn;
Love! Love!
saving blessed night you called your little hand on my door with flowers.

My soul vibrated in the shade and harp surprised:
Waters the silence and open at dawn
sang her powerful voice and sound mysterious.
My soul was a star gloomy sleep! Today

all hope that I cry dead to life arises
winged bird that wakes
exultant joy bad as the pain;
And everything looks and vibe, all awake and sing,
As if the pink canopy their living and holy light
open to the world the dawn of my love.


dawn Like a great rising sun illumined it my life And my soul
Open to drink it like a flower of dawn;
Love! Love! Blessed Be The redeeming night florid
In Which your little hand knocked at my door.

My soul pulsated in the shadow like a jarred harp:
The waters of silence already open, at dawn
It sang with its potent voice, mysterious and sonorous.
My gloomy soul was a sleeping star!

Today all the hope that I lamented as dead,
Emerges to the wingèd life of the bird that awakens
Inebriated with a joy strong as sorrow;
And all things shine and pulsate, everything awakens and sings,
As if the rosy canopy of its holy and living light
Opened upon the world the dawn of my love.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Replacement Rubbermaid Roughneck Cover

Delmira Agustini-away-from-Elegies

Desde lejos

En el silencio siento pasar hour after hour,
As a procession slow, rhythmic and
cold ... Ah! When you are away my whole life crying
And the rumor of your step up in a dream smile.

I know you'll be back, that will shine another dawn
serious in my horizon as a dark frown;
revive in my woods you sound great laugh,
That cheerful as crystal crossing a river.

One day, feeling sad on the way,
I put between your hands pale my destiny! And nothing
largest ever have to offer!

My soul is compared to your soul like the sea against the sky: It will
including such la sombra de un vuelo,
La Tormenta y el Tiempo y la Vida y la Muerte!

From far away

In silence I feel time passing,
Like a slow parade, cold and rhythmical …
Ah! When you are far away my whole life cries
And to the murmur of your steps even in dreams I smile.

I know you will return, that another dawn will shine
In my grave horizon like a somber frown;
There in my forest will live again your great sonorous smile
That gaily crossed it like the glass of a river.

One day, meeting sadly on the path,
In your pale hands I placed my destiny!
And no greater thing will anyone ever offer you!

Before My soul is your soul like the sea Before the sky:
Between Them, like the shadow of a flight,
Storm and time, and life, and death will pass!

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Optimist Dinghy Storing

Delmira Agustini sweet-I. Today from the great road ...- Delmira Agustini

sweet Elegies

I. Today from the high road ...

Today from the high road, under the bright sun and strong, like a tear
Muda I looked back,
And your voice from afar, with a smell of death, came to howl
heard a sad " Never again! "

So sad that I cried until he was lifeless ...
I know you're so far as to never return!
No tears to wash the kisses of death ...
- Soul sisters, never look backward!

The past is closed as the coffins,
In Autumn, the golden leaves in avalanches
Bowl ... and burns in the new flowering stems ...

- ... The nights are black roads of the Northern ... - Hearing
sadly bare; Sweets
hours, let other flowers to the heart.

Sweet elegies

I. Today from the great path ...

Today from the great path, under the bright and mighty sun,
Silent like a tear I have looked back,
And your voice from far away, with a scent of death,
Came to howl to my ear a sad “Never again!”

So sad that I have cried until turning numb …
I know you are so far away you will never return!
There are no tears able to wash the kisses of death …
— Sister souls of mine, never look back!

Past times close like coffins,
In the Fall the leaves in golden cascades
Roll …and the new blossoms blaze in the trunks …

— …The nights are black paths of dawns …—
Listening Sadly hours to the sweet fading away
Let us talk to the heart about Other flowers.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Chlamydia Female To Male Oral

The vampire-


In the lap of the afternoon sad
invoked your pain ... I feel was
Feel your heart!
pales to the voice, your eyelids wax

descended ... and you remain silent ... It seems
Hear Death ... I go to open
Your wound I bit into it - do you feel? -
As in the gold of the honeycomb bite!

and squeezed more treacherous, sweetly
Your heart mortally wounded,
For the rare and exquisite cruel dagger
From a nameless evil, to bleed into tears!
And a thousand thirsty mouths of my damn
that I tended to open source in your grief.
. ... ... ... ... ... .... .
Why was your vampire bitterness? ...
Am flower or seed of a species
You eat dark sores and crying baby?

The vampire

In the bosom of the sad evening
I Called upon your sorrow ... It Was
Feeling Feeling your heart as well. You were pale
Even your voice, your waxen Eyelids,

Lowered ... and Remained silent ... You Seemed
To hear death passing by …I who had opened
Your wound bit on it — did you feel me? —
As into the gold of a honeycomb I bit!

I squeezed even more treacherously, sweetly
Your heart mortally wounded,
By the cruel dagger, rare and exquisite,
Of a nameless illness, until making it bleed in sobs!
And the thousand mouths of my damned thirst
I offered to that open fountain in your suffering.
. ……………………
Why was I your vampire of bitterness?
Am I a flower or a breed of an obscure species
That devours sores and gulps tears?

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres

Inurl:chennai View/view.shtml

Delmira Agustini-rupture-


upon a strong chain as a destination, as a life
Sacra, sensitive soul;
cut it with a lily and go my way
With the great coldness of Death ... Curiosity
my spirit looks to lake
Interior, and the glass of the sleeping waters,
reflects a god or a monster masquerading as a Sphinx
dark suspense of other lives.

The rupture

There Was a strong chain like fate, like Sacred
life, like a sensitive soul;
I cut it with a lily and continue my journey
With the magnificent coldness of death …With calm

Curiosity my spirit looks at its inner lake,
And the crystal of the dormant waters,
Reflects a god or a monster, masked in a
Tenebrous sphinx suspended in other lives.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres