Thursday, September 13, 2007

Incesti Italianionline

Delmira Agustini "My aurora-

My aurora

As a large rising sun lit up my life and my soul opened
to drink like a flower of dawn;
Love! Love!
saving blessed night you called your little hand on my door with flowers.

My soul vibrated in the shade and harp surprised:
Waters the silence and open at dawn
sang her powerful voice and sound mysterious.
My soul was a star gloomy sleep! Today

all hope that I cry dead to life arises
winged bird that wakes
exultant joy bad as the pain;
And everything looks and vibe, all awake and sing,
As if the pink canopy their living and holy light
open to the world the dawn of my love.


dawn Like a great rising sun illumined it my life And my soul
Open to drink it like a flower of dawn;
Love! Love! Blessed Be The redeeming night florid
In Which your little hand knocked at my door.

My soul pulsated in the shadow like a jarred harp:
The waters of silence already open, at dawn
It sang with its potent voice, mysterious and sonorous.
My gloomy soul was a sleeping star!

Today all the hope that I lamented as dead,
Emerges to the wingèd life of the bird that awakens
Inebriated with a joy strong as sorrow;
And all things shine and pulsate, everything awakens and sings,
As if the rosy canopy of its holy and living light
Opened upon the world the dawn of my love.

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres


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