Thursday, September 13, 2007

Sorority Inititation Week

Delmira Agustini "The poet and the illusion-

The poet and the illusion
The princess, the resonant filigree, turquoise eyes Princess
-sculpted porcelain
called one night at my door with their hands de lis.
vibrated the glass of his voice like an elegant flute.

"I know your life is gray.
I have the soul of a rose, the dew of budding flowers,
beautiful country I come from a
to be your muse and your sister! -
A hug ... then the sound carnation
of his mouth, softest honey, golden cloud of perfume and hair
brash as I was overcome a flood.
O honey, freshness, perfume! ... Sudden dream, the shadow
That drunk .. And when I wake up, the sun shining in my carpet
A false ruby \u200b\u200bred and a fake blonde curl!

The poet and the illusion

The Amazonian little princess, a resonant filagree,
-Turquoise eyes sculpted of porcelain, little princess-
Called at my door one night with her small hands of iris.
And the trilling crystal of her voice was like an elegant flute:

—I know your life is gray.
I have the soul of a rose, the dew of budding flowers,
I come from a beautiful country
To be your sister and muse!—.

An arm of alabaster...then, in the sonorous carnation
Of her mouth, softest honey; in a cloud of gold and perfume
She surrounded me, brash horsewoman, like a deluge.
Oh honey, freshness, perfumer!...The sudden dream, the shadow
Which intoxicates...and when I wake, the sun that falls on my carpet
In a false ruby very red, and a false ringlet very blond.

Translated by Valerie Martínez


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