Thursday, September 13, 2007

Replacement Rubbermaid Roughneck Cover

Delmira Agustini-away-from-Elegies

Desde lejos

En el silencio siento pasar hour after hour,
As a procession slow, rhythmic and
cold ... Ah! When you are away my whole life crying
And the rumor of your step up in a dream smile.

I know you'll be back, that will shine another dawn
serious in my horizon as a dark frown;
revive in my woods you sound great laugh,
That cheerful as crystal crossing a river.

One day, feeling sad on the way,
I put between your hands pale my destiny! And nothing
largest ever have to offer!

My soul is compared to your soul like the sea against the sky: It will
including such la sombra de un vuelo,
La Tormenta y el Tiempo y la Vida y la Muerte!

From far away

In silence I feel time passing,
Like a slow parade, cold and rhythmical …
Ah! When you are far away my whole life cries
And to the murmur of your steps even in dreams I smile.

I know you will return, that another dawn will shine
In my grave horizon like a somber frown;
There in my forest will live again your great sonorous smile
That gaily crossed it like the glass of a river.

One day, meeting sadly on the path,
In your pale hands I placed my destiny!
And no greater thing will anyone ever offer you!

Before My soul is your soul like the sea Before the sky:
Between Them, like the shadow of a flight,
Storm and time, and life, and death will pass!

Translated by Alejandro Cáceres


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