Thursday, September 13, 2007

Member Account Doujin Moe

Delmira Agustini-Prayer-


you never felt pity for the statues?
These chrysalides
of stone I do not know how formidable an eternal race
unutterable hope.
asleep in their mouths are black ash of Silence;
mana columns
shoulder the heavy shroud of Calm,
and flows of their orbits night;
victims of the Future or Mystery,
magnificent and terrible in cocoons
expected to Life or Death.
you never felt pity for the statues?

Mercy for the lives that your fiery brown bonanzas,
or watered or rend your storms;
pity for the bodies lined Ermine
solemn Quiet,
and light fronts cope
large marble wreaths of purity, heavy
as icebergs and glaciers;
pity for ice
gloved hands That can not uproot the delicious fruits
and fantastic flowers of the soul;
mercy for the eyes spiritual
eyelids flutter:
scales mystery
rose visions black heels ...
never seen anything looking so far!

Mercy for the tidy hair
"mystical auras"
combed as lakes that never airs
black fan,
black and huge storm,
pity for the illustrious spirits
carved diamond
high, clear, ecstatic
arrester domes;
pity for the lips like celestial
linkers, where the pearl gleams invisible
the Host
"lips that never were, never captured
not a vampire fire

more and more thirsty a deep hunger. "Pity for the sexes
That armor of a vine leaf astral
mercy for eternity
magnetic plants, which carry the eternal azure
burning with sores;
mercy, mercy, compassion for all lives
defending your wonderful weather

the lighthouse of Pride:

brace your sales or your rays ...

Eros: have you never felt pity on the statues
? ...


-Eros: have you never felt
Piety for the statues?
These Chrysalides of stone,
Some formidable race
In an eternal, unutterable hope.
The sleeping craters of their mouths
Utter the black ash of silence;
A copious shroud of Calm
Falls from the columns of their arms,
And night flows from their eyesockets;
Victims of Destiny or Mystery,
In magnificent and terrible cocoons,
They wait for Life or Death.
Eros: have you never perhaps felt
Piety for the statues?

Piety for the lives
That will not strew nor rend your battles
Nor gild your fiery truces;
Piety for the bodies clothed
In the solemn ermine of Calm,
The luminous foreheads that endure
Their marble wreaths, grand and pure,
Weighty and glacial as icebergs;
Piety for the gloved hands of ice
That cannot uproot
The delicious fruits of the Flesh,
The fantastic flowers of the soul;
Piety for the eyes that flutter
Their spiritual eyelids:
Mysterious fish scales,
Dark curtains on rose visions...
For looking so far, they never see!

Piety for the tidy heads of hair
–Mystical haloes–
Gently combed like lakes
Which the storm’s black fan,
Black and enormous, never thrashes;
Piety for the spirits, illustrious,
Carved of diamonds,
High, clear, ecstatic
Lightning rods on pious domes;
Piety for the lips like celestial settings
Where the invisible pearls of the Host gleam;
–Lips that never existed,
Never seized anything,
A fiery vampire
With more thirst and hunger than an abyss.
Piety for the sacrosanct sexes
That armor themselves with sheaths
From the astral vineyards of Chastity;
Piety for the magnetized footsoles
Who eternally drag
Sandals burning with sores
Through the eternal azure;
Piety, piety, pity
For all the lives defended
By the lighthouse of Pride
From your marvelous raw weathers:

Aim your suns and rays at them!

Eros: have you never perhaps felt
Pity for the statues?

Translated by Valerie Martinez


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