Thursday, September 13, 2007

What Is The Minimum Price Of A Helecopter

Delmira Agustini "Another race-

Another strain

Eros, I want to guide you, Father blind ... I call on your hands

almighty exalted body
fire spilled over my body collapsed in pink!

The corolla electrical
unfold today provides the nectar of a garden Wives;
for his vultures in my flesh
give a whole swarm of pink doves. Da

the two snakes from her grasp, cruel, feverish stem
my great ... Absinthe, honey,
pour me in his veins, his mouth ...

lying So, I'm un surco ardiente
donde puede nutrirse la simiente
de otra Estirpe sublimemente loca!

Another lineage

Eros, I want to guide you, blind Father ...
I ask of your all-powerful hands
his sublime body spilled on fire
over my body lying in a bed of roses!

The electric corolla that today I wear
offers the nectar of a garden of Wives;
for his vultures in my flesh I give
an entire swarm of pink doves.

Give to the two cruel serpents of his embrace
my great feverish stem ... Absinthe, honey,
pour me out of his veins, of his mouth ...

Lying like this, I'm an ardent furrow
Where the seed of Another sublimely
lineage Can Be Nurtured crazy!

Translated by Joseph Wan Díaz


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